domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

Proudly mexican

Sometimes I'll publish some posts in English in order to practice my English. Well, this is my first. 

Definitely when you're outside of your home country (in my case Mexico) you feel more deeply your nation, your origins, your identity. As a foreigner living in another country you can look your home country with different eyes. In my case this experience has allowed me to distinguish which are the major strenghts of my home country and also which are the main weaknesses and problems in which we have to focus on and work in these.

Most of the time the mass media tell us about the problems of Mexico. Therefore most of the people talk about this. So, as everybody knows about the problems of my country I'm not going to talk more about it, instead I'll highlight the virtues of my country and which I am proud Mexican.

I'm proudly mexican because of my culture, my traditions, my very varied Mexican cuisine, my natural beauties and mainly because of my people. I think Mexicans are very hard-working, are struggling people, are very warm and hospitable and of course Mexicans are very close and supportive.

During these two years outside of Mexico I've had the opportunity to visit some different European countries and when people ask me "where are you from?" and I answer "Mexico" people always shows a gesture of welcome and are interested in my country. As an example a couple of weeks ago I went to the foreign office to renew my residence permit and I forgot a copy of a document. When things like this happens you have to go outside the office, to take a copy and come back. However when the man saw that I was from Mexico said: "As you are mexican I'll bring you the copy" and he said to me that he liked Mexico.

I only said "thank you very much"! ;-)

P.D.  Sorry because of my poor English writting!!!

1 comentario:

  1. It's true, we have our problems; but as you point out, there are many things to be proud of as Mexicans.

    P.S. Your English is much better than you think :).
